20 Mar 2014

We Like It Hot

We Like It Hot

$55 ($110) - nastygal.com

Claw Off Cuff
$35 - nastygal.com

Aida Necklace
$31.50 ($45.00) - nastygal.com

Cheap Monday Painted Cuff
$30 - nastygal.com

Crystal Itty Bitty Bracelet
$ 48 - freepeople.com

Strike Gold Belt
$ 18 - nastygal.com

Now that spring has officially arrived, would be there a better way to enjoy sunshiny days than jumping into a colourful polka-dotter top and a pair of skorts with a bright white satchel in your hand? Nope, of course! Unless you (just like me) are spending your days in one of those places, where spring is associated with astonishing 10°C and more frequent than usual showers outside. In this case, you'll understand that a decent cover up such as a light coat with ankle booties is a must!

So, go ahead, enjoy spring, because there's no such thing as bad weather just the wrong clothing! And check out my posts for more outfit inspiration.

Kisses, /M